Star Date: 24 June 2019 Monday

Captain's Log

Happy First Monday of Summer! :)

Welcome to Summer 2019!


Spring was warm in the Southeast and Pacific Northwest but hot 90F days across the U.S. are down a whopping 36% vs last year's really hot start. In fact, the year-over-year change shows the greatest drop in hot days in 22 years for the nation as a whole. CLICK ON IMAGES FOR A LARGER VIEW.


The tropics are off to an especially slow start in the East Pacific as well, but we might actually get our first named system this week - Alvin if it does form. The Atlantic is very quiet and very dry throughout the Caribbean.


Tornadoes are calming down a bit after a very active Spring with twice as many tornadoes as last year, up 111% YOY and well above average as WTI warned back in Winter.

LOG 4Drought remains near record lows across the U.S. with some pockets of drought in the Northwest and Southeast but overall not much. Mexico and West Canada show a bit more widespread dry conditions.


THIS WEEK (24-30 JUNE) looks to go out a bit cooler than last year and 13th coldest of the past 30 years for the nation as a whole. Rainfall not as extreme trending driest in 3 years and 12th driest of the past 30 years but heavy in the South Central U.S.


NEXT WEEK (1-7 JULY) a tad more Summer-like but still coolest start in 4 years and 14th coolest in 30 years for the nation as a whole. Rainfall up with heavier rain for the Eastern half of the country trending #1 wettest in 30 years.


For the next 14-day overall across the world we see the U.S. having the fewest hot 90F days in 15 years so no extreme heat waves just yet. Europe is on the hot side while Russia is relatively cool.


World rainfall shows the Caribbean pretty dry so the tropics remain quiet for now.


We hope you have a great week and don't forget to follow us on social media for more frequent updates.Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,PinterestandLinkedin

- Captain Kirk out.