Star Date 26 August 2019 Monday

Captain's Log

29 August 2019 Thursday 9am Hurricane Dorian video update.

Happy Monday! :)

August is going out like a lamb with this week (26 Aug - 1 Sep) overall trending cooler than last year, 6th coolest in 30 years nationally (below average) with rainfall similar to last year but still 11th wettest of the past 30 years. Cool East, hot West. CLICK ON IMAGES FOR LARGER VIEW.

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The Labor Day weekend (31 Aug - 2 Sep) doesn't look too bad trending cooler than last year and 8th coolest of the past 30 years (below average) for the nation as a whole with rainfall below average, driest in 4 years and 8th driest in 30 years.

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We will need to watch the Southeast U.S. over the holiday weekend as Tropical Storm Dorian approaches but likely on the weak side after being sheared apart over Hispaniola's 10,000 foot mountains. Models keep it on the weaker side heading in the general direction of Southeast Florida.

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There are a lot of head winds as we enter the peak of the Hurricane Season with below average water temperatures off Africa and the rest of the tropical Atlantic generally near average with the above average water's well to the North. Dorian formed in the middle of a dust free area but still a lot of dust coming off Africa in the week ahead. The EURO MJO cycle shows an unfavorable cycle (MJO phase 4-6) during the historical peak of the season with little activity while the US MJO model shows a brief chance at phase 2 which is more favorable middle September. For now it appears the peak is going to be below average but something to watch.

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Next week (2-8 Sep) warms up a bit with the U.S. overall trending similar to last year but 8th warmest of the past 30 years. Still cool in the Midwest, Northeast but some pulses of heat ahead of a couple cold fronts. Rainfall is drier than last year but still 6th wettest of the past 30 years.

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The 2-weeks as a whole across the world show Canada still trending the coolest in 9 years, the U.S. coolest in 6 years, Europe the warmest in 3 years, Brazil 9th warmest of the past 30 years and Australia warmest in 5 years (Winter).

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The little Angelina Kirk spotted a tiny hot air balloon high in the sky and said "let's find him." So, the balloon chasing was on. After an hour of driving this way and that way, over the mountain, down the hill, on the dirt road, through the farm..."you found him...Daddy did it." :) Happiest little girl on Earth...see the video for the happy dance.

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With that folks have a great week and don't forget to follow us on social media for frequent updates.Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,PinterestandLinkedin

- Captain Kirk out